Ranger Nation,
August is just about here. We are pumped for the start of our 2022 season. This week our freshmen will start their mandatory training camp practices in the morning while our upperclassmen will continue their open weight room training. I have listed details for the week below so you can plan.
Football Team Community Service Opportunities:
The football program will continue our community outreach service event this week. We are partnering with Toyota of Cedar Park and Hill Country Community Ministries to collect new brand name athletic or running shoes to help others in the community. Our school will be competing against other schools in a “Stuff the Truck” event. If you would like to help, please send a new boxed pair of shoes with your child either Monday or Tuesday to donate. These shoes will be collected in the coaches office until delivery on Wednesday, August 3rd. It is a great way for our players to get involved and help others in the community. Shoes collected will be distributed to local students in the community.
“Peanut Butter Bowl”
Additionally, our program along with Bowie HS will be collecting jars of peanut butter to help support those less fortunate in the community. After our game against Bowie, our jars of peanut will be picked up and donated to Hope Austin. The Peanut Butter Bowl, as it will be called, will pit us against Bowie HS in donating the most jars of peanut butter. Donations can also be made online through their website www.PeanutButterBowl.com. For every $2 donated Vista Ridge will get credit for a jar of peanut butter. Please consider adding another jar of peanut butter to the grocery list and sending it in with your child to practice. Jars of peanut butter will be collected in the coaches office.
9th Grade Teacher Breakfast Sign-Up
Incoming 9th grade parents, please sign up with the link above for the freshman “Welcome Back Teachers” Breakfast on August 15th. Each year the VR Football Booster Club and the freshmen football players welcome our wonderful teachers and administration back to school by spoiling them with a delicious breakfast served by our incoming freshmen football players. Please consider donating to this event by clicking on the link above.
Also, if you have not had a chance to add the SportsYou app to your device please do so. This will be the primary channel of communication we will utilize as the season begins. Details can be found below.
Enjoy the week.
Go Rangers!
Coach Scott & Staff
*We will be transitioning to the use of (sportsYou app) for access to parent/playeer weekly agendas and team information moving forward for parents/guardians/players. Attached is a link to details of how to join either on a device or through your desktop computer. I will continue to send emailed agendas for the next couple of weeks to help ease the transition. sportsYou Code: 5YZMMH22
Football Weekly Agenda Week 1 (8-1), 9th Training Camp Begins
Monday (Family) (OL Locker Room Duty)
7:15am Incoming 9th Grade Players Report
(9th Grade Players report to Double Doors on the Sports Medicine Side in order to check in, please arrive by 7:15 am on the first day so we can start at 8 am with practice. All other days, players will report by 7:30 am) Please bring 1 white towel, cleats, flats for lifting, snacks, and a water bottle.)
7:45am 9th Team Meeting Study Hall
8am – 11am 9th Practice #1
8am Open Weight Room (JV/VAR)
10 – 10:30 am Senior Led Skills (JV/VAR) (Grass)
Tuesday (Character) (DL Locker Room Duty)
7:30am 9th Grade Players Report
8am – 11am 9th Practice # 2
8am Open Weight Room (JV/VAR)
10am – 10:30 am Senior Led Skills (JV/VAR) (Grass)
6pm – Mom’s Clinic (9th/JV/VAR Moms), Ranger Study Hall
(Optional Fun Event for all grade level Mom’s/Details linked above.)
Wednesday (Toughness) (LB/H/TB/QB Locker Room Duty)
7:30am 9th Grade Players Report
8am – 11am 9th Practice #3
8am Open Weight Room (JV/VAR)
10am – 10:30am Senior Led Skills (JV/VAR) (Grass)
10am – 12pm Stuff the Truck Event (Varsity Leadership Council)
Thursday (Relentless Effort) (DB/Sams Locker Room Duty)
7:30am 9th Grade Players Report
8am – 11am 9th Practice #4
8am Open Weight Room (JV/VAR)
10am – 10:30am Senior Led Skills (JV/VAR) (Grass)
Friday (Payday) (WR Locker Room Duty)
7:30am 9th Grade Players Report
8am – 11am 9th Practice #5
No Open Weight Room
8am 9th Players Arrive
8:30am 9th Practice/Scrimmage @ Ranger Stadium
Physical Form (Students must have a physical completed prior to participating in practices this fall season. Incoming 9th grade season practices will begin Aug. 1st. If they have not already turned their physical in, athletes will need to bring it with them to the field house to turn in on August 1st for our incoming 9th grade class.)
2022 LISD Physical Form Copy
Rank One Forms (LISDs UIL forms and Emergency Contact information filled out online)
All LISD online form must be completed prior to participating in practices this fall season. Please complete before Aug. 1st.
LISD/UIL Rank One Online Forms for the 2022 Season
Impact Concussion Baseline Testing: (Impact Test)
LISD requires that each child complete the baseline concussion test. If they have not completed this, please have them follow the link and have them complete this test prior to Aug. 1st(9th) and Aug. 8th (JV/Var). Instructions can be found on the site and results will automatically be sent to our sports medicine team. Impact Baseline Testing Code for VRHS: 6YE1GKCCTX
Chad Scott
Head Football Coach & Athletic Coordinator
Vista Ridge High School