Thank you to everyone who came out to support the Rangers on Thursday and Friday night this past week. This week all our teams will be playing Cedar Ridge. Times and locations are listed below.
5:00pm 9th Black vs CR @ Ranger
7:00pm 9th Red vs CR @ Ranger
5:00pm JV Black vs CR @ CRHS
7:00pm JV Red vs CR @ CRHS
7:00pm VAR vs CR @ Gupton (Friday)
(*Reminder on stadium guidelines at Gupton, main issues the district ran into from the last home game was clear bag policy and tailgating regulations. Please read the LISD Stadium Guidelines for more details)
This week will mark the 3rd week of the 2nd six weeks grading period. Please continue to encourage our Rangers to take advantage of the Ranger Time tutorial sessions and to complete all class assignments. Last week we were able to celebrate 118 players on either the All A or A/B honor roll for the first six weeks. What an awesome accomplishment!
Have a great week.
Go Rangers!
Coach Scott
Please join me in honoring this past week’s Players of the Week against Vandegrift:
Offensive MVP: Dez Thomas
Defensive MVP: Grant Anderson
Special Forces MVP: Ryan Balke
Defensive Lineman: Aidan Cruz
Offensive Lineman: Jacob Burke
Linebacker: Josh Brewton
Defensive Back: Axel Allen
Offensive Back: Issac Garcia
Wide Receiver: Reece Heffelfinger
Hammer Award: Karson Smith
JV Red
Offensive MVP: Witt Szczytowski
Defensive MVP: Kade Nathman, Alex Ackel
Special Forces MVP: Austin Theriault
JV Black
Offensive MVP: Tommy Figueroa
Defensive MVP: Josh Swartz
Special Forces MVP: Jacob Mills
Freshman Red
Offensive MVP: Jake Pando, Eyan Jones
Defensive MVP: Sanjay Mistry, Dagan Mitchell
Special Forces MVP: Ethan Sanders
Freshman Black
Offensive MVP: Antonio Palacios
Defensive MVP: Joey Ward
Special Forces MVP: Dane Donohoe
Hard Hats
Brandon Bastow
Miguel Benitez
Mark Castillo
Ruben Carrasco
Austin Theriault
Ty Duchouquette
Nathan Jimmie
Skyler Green
Jackson Arnot
Tommy Figueroa
Cy Mueller
Dalton Tebbe
Football Weekly Agenda – District (Cedar Ridge)
Monday (Family)
6am Scouting Report
6:20am V/JV Practice/SF
7:30am 9th Practice
Athletic Period
Varsity: Weights / Football
Junior Varsity: Weights / Football
Freshman: Continue Practice
RT: 9th Study Hall (Cafeteria)
After School
4:10pm – VAR Special Forces Meeting
4:25pm – VAR Team Meeting – Media Guide/Bring Laptops/Go over weekly agenda, and split and watch film on opponent
Tuesday (Character)
6:00am V/JV Practice & Special Forces
7:30am 9th Practice
Athletic Period
Varsity: Continue Practice Special Forces/Football – 9 periods
Freshman: Continue Practice
RT: VAR/JV Study Hall (Cafeteria)
After School
4:10pm Varsity Film Study
Wednesday (Toughness) ½ Day
Before School
7:30am 9th Lift/SF/DEF/Off Practice
Athletic Period
Varsity: Weights / Practice
Junior Varsity: Practice/Weights
Freshman: Continue Practice
After School
3:20pm V/JV Practice & Special Forces
*Specialties after practice
Thursday (Relentless Effort)
8am 9th Arrive
Athletic Period
Varsity: Specialties, Play the game script
F & JV: Walk through with coaches, jerseys, helmet check
After School
*Jason’s Deli Meals arrive by 3:15pm, JV Black Early Release from class 3:45pm
4:10 V: LH Meeting- Guest Speaker, Focus cards, Teacher letters, Team Meal w/special guests, Support 9th/JV
5:00pm 9th Black vs CR @ Ranger
7:00pm 9th Red vs CR @ Ranger
5:00pm JV Black vs CR @ CRHS
7:00pm JV Red vs CR @ CRHS
Friday Pep Rally @ Gupton (RED OUT)
Before School
8:15am VAR Arrival & Check In
Athletic Period
8am 9th Arrive: Pep Rally Check In/Lift & Review game tape
Varsity: Lift, SF Meeting, Hard Hat Ceremony, Walk through, load bags buses, helmet checks, cafeteria
JV: Weights/Film & pads for Monday, Clean Locker Room
After School
*See Game Day Itinerary
**5th QTR
9am Treatments Sign Up Genius
*No Practice/Review Game Tape
Chad Scott
Head Football Coach & Athletic Coordinator
Vista Ridge High School