A big thank you to everyone that made Homecoming Week so special for our players and the community. Between the parade, pep rally, fireworks, and games, Ranger Nation was present and in full force. This week is open week for all our teams. We will have a slightly different weekly agenda because of this. Please read the below agenda carefully because some of our practice times are different. We are asking everyone to encourage all our Rangers to start the new six weeks strong in the classroom. We need them to get off to a great start academically. We are also going to restart our discount card fundraiser this week due to some technology issues we encountered with the app for many of our kids earlier in the year. We have requested that Adrenaline Fundraising provide actual discount cards to sell. We will send these cards home with the players this week to try and sell. Anyone who has already met their goal originally will not be required to sell the cards. We will use Friday to close out the fundraiser. Have a great week. Thank you. Go Rangers!
Coach Scott
Please join me in honoring this past week’s Players of the Week against McNeil/Marble Falls:
Offensive MVP: Dez Thomas, Alex Berndlmaier
Defensive MVP: Jonathan Clark
Special Forces MVP: Aidan Cruz, Axel Allen
Defensive Lineman: Will Cornelson, Ethan Ellsworth
Offensive Lineman: Jacob Burke
Linebacker: Grant Anderson
Defensive Back: Syion Allen
Offensive Back: Issac Garcia
Wide Receiver: Tanner Brosie, Wyatt Gates
Hammer Award: Jonathan Clark, Jahmar Fort
JV Red
Offensive MVP: Witt Szczytowski
Defensive MVP: Tyler Yount
Special Forces MVP: Ty Duchouquette, Cole Warnock
JV Black
Offensive MVP: Mark Castillo
Defensive MVP: Jack Steinle
Special Forces MVP: Jacob Mills
Freshman Red
Offensive MVP: Jerimiah Jackson, Eric Hargrave
Defensive MVP: Jason Handy, Sanjay Mistry
Special Forces MVP: Ethan Sanders
Freshman Black
Offensive MVP: Mason Bowman
Defensive MVP: Jackson Emanuel
Special Forces MVP: Ricardo Aleman
Hard Hats
Jacob Bergers
Miguel Benitez
Mark Castillo
Ruben Carrasco
Aaron Maginel
Austin Theriault
Ty Duchouquette
Nathan Jimmie
Skyler Green
Levi King
Football Weekly Agenda – 9/20/21 Open/Bye Week
Monday (Family)
8am 9th Arrive
8:30am 9th Game Film Study
Athletic Period
9th Continue Game Film Study
Varsity/JV: Game Film Study
After School
No Practice
Tuesday (Character)
6:00am V/JV Practice
7:30am 9th Practice
Athletic Period
Freshman: Continue Practice
VAR/JV: Weights & Film Study
RT: Team Meeting Study Hall
Wednesday(Toughness) ½ Day
Before School
6:00am V/JV Practice
7:30am 9th Practice
Athletic Period
Freshman: Continue Practice
Varsity/JV: Continue Practice Special Forces
Thursday (Relentless Effort)
Before School
7:30am 9th Lift/SF/DEF/Off Practice (All Coaches)
Athletic Period
Freshman: Continue Practice
Varsity/JV: Weights / Practice
After School
4:20pm VAR/JV Practice
*Specialties after practice
Friday (Payday/Finish)
Before School
8am 9th Arrive
Athletic Period
9th: Fundraiser Final Check In & Close Out/Lift & Conditioning/Clean Lockers
Varsity/JV: Fundraiser Final Check In & Close Out/Lift & Conditioning/Clean Lockers
After School
No Practice
9:00am Treatments by Appointment *Sign Up Genius
*No Practice
Chad Scott
Head Football Coach & Athletic Coordinator
Vista Ridge High School

Chains volunteers needed – 3 for each game. No experience required. You will be holding one of two chain markers or the down marker and following instructions from game officials. As a benefit, chains crews are allowed into the stadium for free on their designated volunteer day.
Concessions volunteers needed – 3 for each game.
Merchandise volunteers needed – 3 for each game
Varsity: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/805084faba62ca1fe3-merchandise1
Sub Varsity: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/805084faba62ca1fe3-merchandise