Training camp officially ended Thursday night after the Austin HS Scrimmage. We are so proud of the way our players competed and finished training camp. Thank you to all the parents that attended our Parent/UIL information night this past week. Rally at the Ridge was incredible this year! We appreciate every Booster Club member that made this night special for our community.
Now it is time for a new season. We start our non-district season this week against Bowie. Bowie just notified us that they only have four teams. As of right now, our JV Black will be open this week. Please make plans to come support all our Rangers on Thursday and Friday Night. This Friday night at Gupton Stadium we will be honoring our feeder elementary schools as well as our youth football programs. We are so thankful for all our Future Rangers and families. We hope you have a great week. Go Rangers!
Coach Scott
Football Weekly Agenda – Bowie, 8-23
6:00am V/JV Scouting Report & Practice
7:30am – 9th Practice
4:10 Varsity Special Forces Meeting
4:25 Varsity Team Meeting & Film Study
6:00am V/JV Practice
7:30am 9th Practice
4:10pm Varsity Film Study
7:30am 9th Practice
3:00pm V/JV Practice
8am 9th Arrive
4:10pm Varsity Team Meeting Location TBD
6pm 9th Black vs Bowie @ Ranger
7:30pm 9th Red vs Bowie @ Ranger
JV Black vs Bowie @ Burger Complex ***Cancelled * Open Week
6pm JV Red vs Bowie @ Burger Complex
7:15am Varsity Elementary Visits
8am 9th Arrive
8:30am Varsity PEP RALLY Check In (Locker Room)
7pm Varsity vs Bowie @ Gupton (Elementary & Youth FB Night)
9:00am Player Treatments
*Players off
Chad Scott
Head Football Coach & Athletic Coordinator
Vista Ridge High School

Chains volunteers needed for the Freshman games this week – 3 for each game. No experience required. You will be holding one of two chain markers or the down marker and following instructions from game officials. As a benefit, chains crews are allowed into the stadium for free on their designated volunteer day.
Concessions volunteers needed for the Freshman games this week – 3 for each game.