I cannot believe this is the last week of Spring Football. The workouts are going by fast. This will be a
big week for our football family and community. The Red vs. Black Spring Football Game is back this
Thursday but will be at Gupton Stadium. Please help us get the word out to all your neighborhood,
family, and friends. We are so thankful for the doctors, parents, and student trainers that helped with
physicals. If your student/athlete was not able to attend the physicals, please make sure they have one
before June 1st. All paperwork and summer camp registration are linked below. For us to be prepared
for the Fall, if your athlete is in town, please make sure they plan on attending the SWSC and skill
sessions. We want to wrap all these items up as soon as possible. Another interesting schedule this week
with testing. We look forward to seeing everyone at Gupton Stadium on Thursday night. Have a great
week. Go Rangers!
Coach Vincent

Physical Form – https://sites.google.com/leanderisd.org/vista-ridge-sports-medicine/forms
Rank One Forms – https://leanderisd.rankonesport.com/New/NewInstructionsPage.aspx
SWSC Registration – https://leanderisd.store.rankonesport.com/Camp/List
Important Reminders:
*9th and 10th Drop Off / Pick up is at the Athletic Training Office Glass Doors
*11th and 12th Drop Off/ Pick up is in the back of the school by the Small Gym
*All players need to bring their own water jug with plenty of water
*Fill out Covid Questionnaire before arrival
*Always bring a mask to wear on campus
7:00am Open Weight Room
8:30 9th Arrive for Check In & Football Skills & Meetings
9:30 9th Study, Travel
10:10am V/JV: Travel & Dress
10:30am V/JV: Football Skills/Film Study
11:40am V/JV: Travel
4:15 Practice #15 – All Grades (Full Pads)
Tuesday (Asynchronous State Test)
7:00am Open Weight Room
3:15 Practice #16 – All Grades (Full Pads)
Wednesday (Early Release)
7am Open Weight Room
8:30 9th Arrive for Check In & Football Skills & Meetings
9:25 9th Travel
10:05 V/JV Football Skills & Meetings
10:40 V/JV Travel
2:30pm Practice #17 – All Grades (1/2 Pads)
8:30 9th Arrive for Check In & Football Skills & Meetings
9:30 9thStudy, Travel
10:10am V/JV: Travel & Dress
10:30am V/JV: Football Skills/Film Study
11:40am V/JV: Travel
5:30pm Players report
7pm Spring Game
*Meet All Leadership Council
7am Open Weight Room
8:30 9th Arrive for Check In Weights & Film Study
9:30 9th Study, Travel
10:10am V/JV: Travel & Dress
10:30am V/JV: Weights & Film Study
11:40am V/JV: Travel
4:10 pm Open Weight Room