Ranger Parents,
We hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving Holiday. We should know by Tuesday who our official opponent will be for the playoffs. I will continue to keep everyone updated as information is available for our Bi-District Playoff game. It is very important after the holiday that if your athlete is not feeling well that they do not show up at school. Our goal is to continue to keep everyone safe at school and to keep our Varsity football team playing as long as possible. It is important that we continue to follow all guidelines while on campus. We will reemphasize all our protocols with our athletes on Monday morning. This will be a big three weeks for all of them academically, encourage them to finish strong! Thank you for your patience and support as we prepare to start an exciting season of playoff football.
Have a great week. Go Rangers!
Coach Vincent

Important Reminders:
*9th and 10th Drop Off / Pick up is at the Athletic Training Office Glass Doors
*11th and 12th Drop Off/ Pick up is in the back of the school by the Small Gym
*All players need to bring their own water jug with plenty of water
*Fill out Covid Questionnaire before arrival
*Always bring a mask to wear on campus
Football Weekly Agenda (Parents)
8am V/JV Team Meeting – Zoom
Athletic Period
8:30 9th Arrive for Check In & Lift
9:30 9thStudy, Travel
10:10am V/JV: Travel & Dress
10:35am V/JV: Weights / Football
11:40am V/JV: Travel
After School
4:25 V/JV Practice
Athletic Period
8:30 9th Arrive for Check In & Lift
9:30 9th Study, Travel
10:10am V/JV: Travel & Dress
10:35am V/JV: Practice
11:40am V/JV: Travel
After School
4:25 V/JV Practice
Wednesday (Early Release Day)
Athletic Period
8:30 9th Arrive for Check In & Lift
9:15 9th Study, Travel
10:10 V/JV Team Meetings – Virtual
After School
2:30pm V/JV Practice & Meetings
Athletic Period
8:30 9th Arrive for Check In & Lift
9:30 9th Study, Travel
10:10am V/JV: Travel & Dress
10:35am V/JV: Weights & Practice
11:40am V/JV: Travel
After School
4:25 V/JV Practice
Athletic Period
8:30 9th Arrive for Check In & Lift
9:30 9th Study, Travel
10:10 V/JV Travel & Dress
10:35am V/JV: Practice
11:40am V/JV: Travel
Treatments only