We hope everyone is having a great weekend. This is a special weekend for our Ranger Moms. On behalf of the Ranger Football Program – Happy Mother’s Day! We are so thankful for all that you do for our student/athletes every single day. We had another great week of work. All players handled the testing schedule and the change in workouts tremendously. This week we have numerous players AP Testing in the morning, so all workouts will be in the afternoon again. Please click this link to review the agenda. We are proud of these young men and encourage them to do well on their tests. The Red vs Black Spring Game will also take place this week on Friday. There will be a youth football clinic at 5 pm, and then we will kickoff the game at 7 pm. Please invite all your friends and family to this community event.
The following week on May 21st during our athletic period our team physicians will be conducting physicals. The cost is $20. The athletes can pay in advance and can have their physical done first. They will also need to fill out the Athlete Contact Information & Medical History portion (the left column of the physical form) before getting the physical. If your athlete is getting a physical anywhere else, please use the LISD forms in order to avoid any discrepancies with UIL and LISD. Also, Rank One Online Forms are ready for the 2019-20 school year. Please help us make sure all this important paperwork and physical information is complete before training camp in August.
Please pay close attention to our website and communications on any changes with practice schedules. Have a great week. Thank you. Brick by Brick!
Coach Vincent
Summer Weight & Speed Camp Sign Up: https://leanderisd.store.rankonesport.com/Camp/List
Physical forms: https://vrhs.leanderisd.org/UserFiles/Servers/Server_103383/File/2019%20Physical%20Form.pdf