Ranger Nation,
Thank you to everyone for coming out this past Thursday and Friday to cheer on and support the Rangers. A special thank you to everyone involved in our breast cancer awareness nights. We were able to help support a great cause and honor many individuals who have battled or are currently battling breast cancer. Since our JV black team was open for their scheduled breast cancer awareness game, we will move their dedications to this week against Round Rock. This week all 5 teams will play their games as scheduled. A reminder that sub-varsity games will be on Wednesday and the Varsity will play on Thursday. Please see the scheduled games and locations below. On an academic note, this Friday will mark the end of the 2nd six weeks grading cycle. Please encourage your son to turn in all missing assignments and complete all retakes by this Friday. We want them to finish the six weeks strong.
Wednesday 10/27
5pm 9th Black vs Round Rock @ Dragon Stadium
7pm 9th Red vs Round Rock @ Dragon Stadium
5pm JV Black vs Round Rock @ Ranger Stadium *Breast Cancer Awareness Game
7pm JV Red vs Round Rock @ Ranger Stadium
Thursday 10/28
7pm VAR vs Round Rock @ Dragon Stadium – Purchase tickets here.
*JV Black Team, Breast Cancer Awareness: Players wanting to honor and support those who have battled or are battling breast cancer can wear pink clothing (wrist bands, socks, spats, bands, ..etc.) during our game this week. We are asking that if they want to wear these items, they must bring $5 to donate to the Susan G Komen Foundation.
Monday we will be asking the varsity to participate in the VRHS Trunk or Treat in the student parking lot at Vista Ridge HS on Monday, Oct 25th (5:30 to 7:30 pm). VR football is sponsoring a spot in the Trunk or Treat lot and we are asking players to donate a bag of candy if they are able to for this event. In addition, we are helping to support Hill Country Community Ministries by donating a canned food item or non-perishable food item to the food truck that will be at the Trunk or Treat event. Candy and canned food items can be dropped off at school by players on Monday. This should be a great community event and we are looking forward to it.
Have a great week.
Go Rangers!
Coach Scott
Please join me in honoring this past week’s Players of the Week against Hutto:
Offensive MVP: Issac Garcia
Defensive MVP: Will Cornelson
Special Forces MVP: Josaan Gaines
Defensive Lineman: Aidan Cruz, Mo Sasumana
Offensive Lineman: Spencer Clark
Linebacker: Josh Brewton, Grant Anderson
Defensive Back: Kade Nathman
Offensive Back: Michael Rocha
Wide Receiver: James Hester, Tian Murray
Hammer Award: Will Cornelson
JV Red
Offensive MVP: Jackson Arnot
Defensive MVP:
Special Forces MVP: Ty Duchouquette
Freshman Red
Offensive MVP: Eric Hargrave, Leland Smit
Defensive MVP: Dagan Mitchell
Special Forces MVP: Ethan Sanders
Freshman Black
Offensive MVP: Eric Evans
Defensive MVP: William Hall
Special Forces MVP: Jamarus Jones
Hard Hats
Ty Duchouquette
Ruben Carrasco
Brandon Bastow
Jackson Arnot
Max Lee
Levi King
Mark Castillo
Brock Vaughan
Graydon Millegan
Football Weekly Agenda – District (Round Rock)
Monday (Family)
6am VAR Scouting Report
6:20am V/JV Practice
7:30am 9th Practice
Athletic Period
Varsity: Football (Tuesday Practice Format) (Turf)
Junior Varsity: Football (Tuesday Practice Format) (Turf)
Freshman: Continue Practice
RT: 9th Study Hall (Location: Study Hall) VAR: Film Study (Portal In)
After School
4:10pm – VAR Special Forces Meeting
4:20pm – VAR Team Meeting
4:25pm – VAR Lift/Jerseys
5:30pm – VAR Trunk or Treat Event
Tuesday (Character) Campus PSAT Testing
**6:30am 9th Practice
8:40am 9th Meeting Summit during PSAT
After School
4:15pm V/JV Practice & Special Forces (Grass)
*Specialties after practice
Wednesday(Toughness) ½ Day
Before School
8:00am 9th Arrive
Athletic Period
Varsity: Specialties, Play the game, script (Shorts & T-shirts) (Scott, Brown, Smith, Garver, Terry, Hardy)
F & JV: Walk through with coaches, jerseys, helmet check
After School
4:10 V: LH Meeting- Focus cards, Teacher letters, Team Meal, Support 9th/JV
9th Black report back to school by 3:30pm/or to study hall after school.
9th Red report back to school by 5:00pm/or to study hall after school.
JV Black report back to school by 4:00pm/or to cafeteria after school.
JV Red report back to school by 5:00pm/or to study hall after school.
5:00pm 9th Black vs Round Rock @ Dragon Stadium
7pm 9th Red vs Round Rock @ Dragon
5pm JV Black vs Round Rock @ Ranger Stadium
7pm JV Red vs Round Rock @ Ranger Stadium
Thursday (Relentless Effort)
Before School
8am 9th Arrive: Review game tape/Study Hall
Athletic Period
Varsity: Lift, SF Meeting, Hard Hat Ceremony, Walk through, load trailer, helmet checks, cafeteria
JV: Weights/Film & pads for Monday, Clean Locker Room
After School
*See Game Day Schedule
7am-8:30am treatments Sign-Up Genius
Athletic Period
8:30am 9th Report: Lift/Study Hall (End of Six Weeks)
AP – V/JV: Team Meeting, Awards, Lift/Film Study/(Study Hall)
9am Treatments Sign Up Genius
*No Practice
Chad Scott
Head Football Coach & Athletic Coordinator
Vista Ridge High School