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Strength and Conditioning

Explosive strength refers to an individual’s ability to exert a maximal amount of force in the shortest possible time interval. Developing explosive power or conditioning an athlete to generate more force in shorter time intervals is exactly what the Ranger Program is targeting. Being strong means you can exert force. But being powerful means you can exert it quickly — and slow down quickly as well.

We are not focusing on building football players.  Whether big or small, the attention is on building athletes. 

With constant focusing on the core movements, we begin with the search for mastery of these exercises:

  1. Power Clean*
  2. Bench
  3. Squat
  4. Push Ups
  5. Pull Ups

Once mastered, we engage in the Speed and Power segment with the emphasis on Technique Movement over Strength. It has been proven that with good technique, the strength will develop naturally as the body rises to the demands. However, maximum strength does not always develop athletic ability.  This is why training is broken into Four Phases until the athlete is ready to compete.    

Summer lifting is developed under a different philosophy to target a Core Lift per a day and still maintain the body under auxiliary lifts to fit around the athlete’s summer schedules.  

*Power Clean How-to Videos are best referenced through our Ranger Nation YouTube Channel under the playlist Power Clean Technique.  

The number one most important thing of any sport is the athlete. Without them, we have no sport.   It is vital that the athlete is taking care of the new muscle development with constant stretching* and a solid diet to retain maximum operation.   

In participating, the athlete will train up to three times a day during phase 3.   The odds of burning 2500 calories under the daily suggested caloric intake are high.  We suggest the anticipation for the intake to increase up to 4000 or more (5 to 6 meals) daily to fuel the body.     

A low cost healthy snack solution can be found below:

Banana: 105 

Chocolate Milk: 209 – per 8 oz cup

Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich: 189

Total Calories: 503

*Proper Yoga Stretching should take up to one hour. Many videos are available at our Ranger Nation YouTube Channel under the playlist Stretching.

This website is maintained by the Vista Ridge High School Athletic Booster Club and is not a part of Vista Ridge High School or the Leander Independent School District. Neither Vista Ridge High School nor Leander ISD is responsible for the content of this web site or the content of links external to this website.

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